JP Mc Manus launches new community centre

Enjoy this video documenting the day JP Mc Manus launches the new refurbished St.Munchins Community Centre:

Last week St Munchin’s Community Centre in Kileely celebrated as their guest of honor JP McManus launched their new refurbished premises. Last year the Limerick philanthropist awarded the centre €300,000 to build an extension to their premises. Scores of men, women and children from the local area turned out for a special celebration day at the centre and politician’s including Mayor Gerry McLoughlin came to the centre to celebrate. Responsible for this achievement is centre Manager Linda Ledger who is an inspirational force to be reckoned with and its through her hard work and efforts that the entire community is now going to grow for the better. “We have more than 40 volunteers and I cannot tell you how much this means to all of us. It is like a dream come through as this will improve the lives of so many in our community. JP Mc Manus is a legend and words cannot describe how blessed and grateful we are’, Linda told me. Over the last five years this centre has assisted their community to develop a sense of pride and reach its full potential by responding to needs and issues as they arise. By providing a central, accessible and visible hub for local community activity, in response to local demand they continue to expand its services and facilities such as a restaurant, florist, hairdressers, launderette and computer classes to name a few. They also provide a meeting space for local groups and address isolation and social exclusion for the older members of the community. For further info call 061 458651.

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